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Provo City School District

Provo Peaks Elementary School

Last modified: March 12, 2025

Parent & Family Engagement Policy

All schools receiving Title I funds are required under section 1116 of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) to develop a written Parent and Family Engagement Policy. This policy, developed jointly with parents, describes how the school will carry out meaningful parent and family engagement for the 2024-2025 school year.


Parents and family members are involved in the development of the school parent and family engagement policy. At Provo Peaks Elementary, we involve our stakeholders by regularly convening meetings with the School Community Council to collect community feedback and make adjustments as needed.

Policy Involvement

Annual Meeting

An annual meeting is held each year in the fall. At this meeting, information is shared with stakeholders that consists of an explanation of Title I, how funds are allocated, student performance in literacy and math, intervention and enrichment opportunities for students, and ways that stakeholders community with the school.

Flexible Meetings

We offer flexible meeting times for parents and families to participate in decisions regarding their child. Parents and students are invited to participate in grade-level family activities, schoolwide family events, student educator parent (SEP) conferences, and other conferences as warranted. Timely notification for activities may include the following: posts on the school website and the school’s social media accounts, phone calls, teacher emails, and paper fliers.

Involve Parents

Throughout the year, we meet with parents in the following ways:

  • The Provo Peaks Elementary Community Council meets monthly. Provo Peaks Elementary Community Council’s purpose is to review School-Parent Compact and provide input for academic, physical, and behavioral goals to meet student needs. All stakeholders are welcome to attend, elected and school-assigned members are allowed to vote. Elections for open positions are held annually.
  • Parents can suggest and are informed of changes in the parental school policy during SEP conferences and parent activities or by contacting the school principal at any time.

Shared Responsibility – High Student Academic Achievement

The Spring Creek School Parent Family Compact outlines shared responsibilities for high student academic achievement and is developed jointly with parents, teachers, administrators and students.

Building Capacity for Involvement

To improve academic achievement and to ensure effective involvement of parents to support a partnership with the school, Provo Peaks Elementary School will:

  • Share with stakeholders, at least three times a year, Utah Core Standards, state and local assessment information, and ways parents can monitor their student’s academic success. At Provo Peaks Elementary we will share this information through standards reports at minimum 4 times a year at the end of the term and parent-teacher conferences held twice a year. Provide materials and/or training for parents to work with their child to improve their child’s achievement such as literacy and using technology. At Provo Peaks Elementary we do this through school-wide parent and student activities. The purpose of these meetings is to enhance parents’ abilities to support their child’s academic success.
  • Provide professional development for administrators, teachers, and instructional support personnel (with assistance from parents), on the value of parents as equal partners and building ties between parents and the school. At Provo Peaks Elementary School, we do this by keeping an ongoing agenda item at SCC meetings all year to discuss methods of building faculty and parents’ capacity.
  • Coordinate parent involvement programs and activities with other Federal, State, and local programs that encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children. At Provo Peaks Elementary we do this by meeting regularly with parent liaisons, after-school coordinators, and social workers.


To the extent practicable, Provo Peaks Elementary School will ensure that information for parents and family members (including parents and family members who have limited English proficiency, parents and family members with disabilities, and parents and family members of migratory children) in a language that they can understand. This includes standards reports and essential school information.

This document was developed jointly by a team of parents, teachers, and administrators on various dates between May and September 2024
