Last modified: marzo 4, 2025
Parent Family Compact
Academic Success
The Student Will:
- Arrive at school on time and ready to learn
- Complete homework assigned by the teacher and turn assignments in on time
The Parent Will:
- Support my children in their learning by:
- Ensuring my child attends school regularly and on time
- Encouraging reading at home
- Reading with my child when possible
- Trying to limit excessive non-academic screen time
The Teacher Will:
- Provide high-quality, engaging curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables children to meet challenging State Academic Standards by:
- Differentiating instruction for student needs
- Teaching the Utah Core Standards
- Conducting frequent assessment of learning
- Providing individual feedback to students
- Continuing to improve teaching practices through professional development
The School Will:
- Provide high-quality, engaging curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables children to meet challenging State Academic Standards by:
- Building a school-wide schedule that supports instruction
- Providing extensions and interventions
- Conducting ongoing professional development
- Using evidence-based curriculum
The Student Will:
- Actively listen
- Actively participate
- Use feedback from teachers and family to improve when having trouble completing work
The Parent Will:
- Participate in decisions relating to the education of my children by:
- Attending scheduled conferences
- Contacting the school with questions or concerns
- Attending parent involvement activities when possible
The Teacher Will:
- Provide timely information regarding student data and behavior
- Provide materials, instructions, and opportunities that engage families in student success through:
- Grade-level activities
- Email communication
The School Will:
- Provide data, materials, instructions, and opportunities that engage families in student success through:
- Annual Title I Meeting
- School-wide activities
- Student Education Plan (SEP) conferences
Build Community
The Student Will:
- Respect other students, adults, and their property
The Parent Will:
- Volunteer when possible by:
- Attending School Community Council meetings and school functions
- Offering classroom help
- Volunteering on Fridays with other parents
The Teacher Will:
- Engage in two-way, meaningful communication through:
- Parent-Teacher conferences
- Frequent student progress reports
- Reviewing the School-Parent-Family Compact
- Providing translation services as necessary
- Emails, phone calls, or notes
The School Will:
- Engage in two-way, meaningful communication by:
- Providing opportunities for parents to volunteer, observe, and participate in decision making
- Providing translation services as necessary
Home & School Communication Connection
The Student Will:
- Take home his/her backpack every day
- Complete and return all assignments and necessary forms as needed
The Parent Will:
- Support my child with a positive use of extra-curricular time by:
- Establishing a distraction-free place and time for assisting my child with assignments
The Teacher Will:
- Provide timely and meaningful feedback on assignments, assessments, and student behavior
- Build a professional relationship with each student’s family
The School Will:
- Send home 4 standards reports per year
- Download Parent Family Compact