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Distrito escolar de la ciudad de Provo

Escuela Primaria Provo Peaks

As parents, you play a crucial role in supporting your child’s education, both inside and outside the classroom. One great way to help is by staying involved and reinforcing what your child is learning at school. The Utah State Board of Education has created a valuable resource to help you do just that.

Visit USBE’s Parent Guides to Success to find helpful materials and ideas that make it easier for you to engage with your child’s academic progress. These guides provide simple, clear suggestions on how to support your child’s learning at home, aligned with what they’re studying in school.

What You’ll Find on the Parent Guides Page:

  • Grade-Level Guides: These offer detailed, age-appropriate suggestions for each grade, from Kindergarten through high school. Whether your child is just starting their education journey or preparing for graduation, you’ll find helpful tips and activities to boost their success.
  • Subjects Covered: The guides cover a wide range of subjects, including math, reading, science, and social studies, giving you the tools to support your child in every area of learning.
  • Practical Strategies: The site offers real-life tips and activities that you can easily incorporate into your home routine to reinforce what your child is learning at school. These strategies are designed to be fun, educational, and easy to follow, making learning at home enjoyable for both you and your child.

When parents actively support their child’s education, it can make a significant difference in their success. These guides help bridge the gap between school and home, giving you the tools to create a more consistent and supportive learning environment.

Visit USBE’s Parent Guides to Success today and discover all the ways you can help your child thrive in their education!

0 Acciones

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