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Provo City School District Logo

Distrito escolar de la ciudad de Provo

Escuela Primaria Provo Peaks

  1. Welcome:
    • Attendance: Mark Burge, Erica Mildenhall, Madeleine Hamblin, Jeff Schachterle, Meg Van Wagnen
  2. Action Item: approve minutes from previous meeting
    • Motion: Erica Mildenhall
    • 2nd: Madeleine Hamblin
    • All members in favor of approving minutes
  3. Update Safe Routes: School-zone light on 7th East
    • There is a crossing guard at the crosswalk on 7th East, just north of the school building. The city will determine if it is necessary to put a school-zone light in that area. They will do a study to see how fast cars are driving on 7th East to gauge the need for the lights.
  4. School and District Strategic Plan Review
    • The plan was written by a committee of parents and Provo City School District employees. A comprehensive list can be found on the back cover of the plan booklet.
    • The priorities of the district are academic achievement, wellness and safety, and stewardship of resources.
    • The district strategic plan focuses on the wellness and safety of all students, parents, and school employees.
    • The school and district strategic plan will be updated after five years
    • A digital copy can be found on
  5. Other
    • Our school goal is to have at least 80% of students, at Provo Peaks, reach typical or above growth, on Acadience, during the school year
    • Grades K-3 use Acadience math and reading, grades 4-6 use only reading
  6. Action Item End Meeting
    • Motion: Madeleine Hamblin
    • 2nd: Mark Burge
    • All members in favor of adjourning
  7. Next Meeting Date: December 3rd – Provo Peaks Conference Room
0 Acciones

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